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Party Games for a Newborn's Celebration

Party Games for a Newborn's Celebration

A baby shower may be a great party. Having a nice, low-key get-together with loved ones may be one of the last things the expectant mother does before giving birth. Things are going to pick up a lot of speed once the baby is here. However, if her loved ones are not very close, this could be an uncomfortable period. Playing a silly game in the shower is a great way to get people talking to one another. Having fun at a baby shower doesn't have to break the bank or take a lot of time to organize. Some entertaining activities to consider for your next baby shower are provided below.

Imaging of Infants

Playing this easy game together can put everyone in a playful, childlike frame of mind. Request that guests bring a photo of themselves as a baby or toddler to the baby shower. Take each photograph and post it on a huge piece of poster board, assigning each photo a number. When all the guests have arrived, give each one a nametag so everyone knows everyone's name. Then give each guest a piece of paper and let everyone guess who is who in the newborn images. Whoever can name the most infants from a series of photographs is declared the winner.

Infant Music

Split everyone at the party in half. Appoint one member of each group to take notes, and challenge them to come up with as many song titles as possible that include the word "baby." Set a time restriction of 5 minutes. Whichever team is able to list the most songs wins. One way to spice up the competition is to have the victorious team select a song from the unsuccessful group's list and have the unsuccessful group perform it.

Bottle Suckers

This is a terrific game for baby showers where both men and women are invited. Fill one 4-ounce baby bottle with juice for each attendee. The fastest drinker can win a prize, so have them all drink at the same time. It is fantastic fun to witness grownups sucking from a baby bottle. Give the father-to-be a nipple with a narrow opening to make it appear as though it will take him longer to finish the bottle of milk.

Pillow Talk

You might want to skip this one if any of your more conservative relatives or male guests are in attendance. However, if it is just the girls, it is very enjoyable. Do not explain anything to the expecting mother; instead, have someone record her reactions as she opens each present. Once all the gifts are unwrapped, have someone repeat aloud what she said, emphasizing that her comments are "what she said on the night the baby was conceived." This allows for some quite witty insinuations.

Baby Food Tasters

This one makes everybody excited about the new baby. Get a wide variety of baby food in 10 separate jars. Print out a sheet that lists each taste and put it someplace in the room. Put a sheet of foil at the bottom of each can and label it with a number. Each guest should be provided with a disposable plastic spoon, paper plate, and writing instrument. Give each guest a separate jar of baby food and have them scoop out a small serving with a spoon. Put their taste buds to the test and see if they can identify the dish. Have guests write down the number from the jar and the flavor they believe they are tasting on their sheet of paper.Sweet potatoes are notoriously hard to identify, so you could want to grab a jar to try to deceive everyone. Have your camera at the ready because the reactions of those who try the baby food will provide for priceless photo ops.

Body Circumference of the Mother

If the expectant woman is not concerned with her rapidly rising girth, she will enjoy this game. Give each guest a roll of ribbon and tell them to cut off as much as they believe will be needed to wrap around the expecting mother's waist. Make a slit in the ribbon and see whether it fits around Mom's waist. The person whose guess comes closest to the real waist circumference wins.

Test Drive

If it is a nice day and you want to have the baby shower outside, this is an entertaining game to play. Get a doll stroller, set up an obstacle course in the yard, and send your guests on a race while wearing a party hat. Time each participant; deduct 5 seconds for each collision, and eliminate anyone whose doll falls out of the stroller. The fastest finisher will be declared the winner.

A baby shower is a great opportunity to host a variety of fun games. Just make sure to bring the camera to document all the excitement for the mother-to-be to cherish for years to come.

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