Children's self-esteem and emotional development
Children's self-esteem and emotional development
Social and emotional growth
At home and in school, it has been proposed that a child's emotional growth or basic self-esteem has to be recognized and supported.
According to Feldman (2000, p. 329), in order to influence conduct later in life, children's behavior should be influenced by both physiological and cognitive aspects of their emotions as early as possible.
To cultivate a strong sense of self-worth throughout the child's life, these sentiments must be reaffirmed in a positive way.
Most scholars believe that a child's emotional development is linked to their growth.
The theory also explains when a kid is most in need of emotional development and how that development helps bolster a child's sense of self-worth.
For a positive self-perception to emerge, a child's emotional well-being must be nurtured both at home and at school.
Three-year-olds are emotionally sophisticated individuals who have had the opportunity to experience a broad spectrum of emotions.
Our children's social and emotional well-being depends on our efforts as educators, parents, and other caregivers to support their emotional growth and development.
As a result, they will be able to get the most out of their education and progress into maturity.
The interaction between a child's caregiver and their emotional development is crucial.
Child development is influenced by the sort of reactions a child gets from their initial caregivers (i.e., parents, daycare providers) in their early years (Ashiabi, 2000).
Good interactions and positive responses from others will be initiated and received by a kid who has a stable connection with their caregiver (Ashiabi, 2000).
While a child's connection with his or her caregiver is unstable, he or she will display more negative emotions when dealing with other people (Ashiabi, 2000).
As Elizabeth Cady Stanton famously put it, "Self-development is a greater obligation than self-sacrifice" (Quote, 2004).
It is possible to have high self-esteem if one has a positive attitude towards one's own value.
In order to have a "healthy" self-esteem, children need to believe that "the significant people in their lives welcome them, care about them, and would go out of their way to ensure that they are safe and well" (KidSource, 2004).
By how effectively loved ones in their lives appreciate and react to the specific requirements of younger children, self-esteem is assessed.
Lack of role models or parental support may lead to poor self-esteem in youngsters because they believe that these individuals do not accept or care about them.
Throughout infancy and into adulthood, children's self-esteem is mostly based on this one aspect.
Infants who react to and get attached to the people who care for and love them are a good illustration of this in early childhood development.
What's generally the quickest technique to comfort a screaming baby? ", asks the magazine American Baby.
Snuggle up to him and softly stroke his head.
"The power of your touch to convey love is astounding" (Wu, 2004).
What this shows is that the newborn responds to the touch of a trusted adult, thus developing the child's future trust and self-esteem on the basis of this sort of communication.
A common question concerning self-esteem is, "The more you praise your kid, the more self-esteem your child will have."
Isn't this correct? "
A Cyperparent, 2004.
This is a trickier question than it first seems.
For many years, it was thought that praising children excessively might damage their self-esteem and cause them to doubt the sincerity of the adults who do it.
Excessive praise and flattery may be experienced even by youngsters as young as six years old (KidSource, 2004).
Today's classroom demands this.
According to research, it's important to encourage students to take chances but also to congratulate them when they succeed.
Prraising your children and your students should be only one aspect of raising self-esteem.
What should be the primary emphasis of this development?
Listening, accepting, and complimenting are key components in fostering a sense of self-worth in youngsters.
Acceptance is the foundation of self-esteem.
Boost your confidence.
Assist your children in developing a positive self-image (KidSource, 2004).
Developing a child's self-esteem is a process that requires a lot of time, effort, and positive reinforcement from both parents and instructors.
It is important to remember that a child's self-esteem does not and actually cannot grow overnight.
Each child's journey to a healthy sense of self-worth is marked by a series of trials and errors, but with the guidance and support of parents or instructors, a solid foundation for healthy self-esteem may be laid.
Emotion has long been linked to learning, as research has shown (Gewertz, 2003).
Students' passion and willingness to study, as well as their ability to control their conduct, may all be improved by a classroom approach that focuses on teaching social and emotional skills.
Learning is impaired in children who are emotionally disturbed (Gewertz, 2003).
By concentrating on developing emotional and social skills, teachers and parents can enable pupils to optimize their academic potential.
Emotional growth may be established in a variety of ways, and teachers have numerous options.
As we've previously indicated, children's self-esteem and emotional development are shaped by the people with whom they spend a significant amount of time.
In order for their pupils to feel comfortable and confident in themselves, teachers must help them enhance their students' self-esteem in their lesson plans.
By assigning each student a distinct task, a teacher may help their pupils feel more competent.
Not only is this a thrilling experience for the youngster, but it also gives the student a sense of control over the classroom.
Additionally, a teacher may demonstrate to pupils how to learn from their own mistakes (research and children, 2004).
A teacher must let go of their tendency to overprotect pupils in order for this to succeed. They must also enable them to be creative and welcome any questions they may get from them.
Developing a child's emotional growth is not the same as teaching it.
Teachers must also bear in mind that if a kid does not get this kind of growth at home, they may be the only ones to supply it.
Positive thinking will be more ingrained in students' minds if classes are designed around it.
Teachers have access to a wide range of lesson ideas on the internet.
A large majority of these may be simply changed to match the needs of the teacher.
For example, Linda Bauck's "Who Am I Collage" teaches children how to recognize their own identity, while Kimberlee Woodward's "self-esteem/class pride chain" teaches them how to work together as a team.
Students may use collage to produce and display a work that reflects their own personalities.
This gives students an opportunity to practice their public speaking abilities in a group setting, as well as to discuss their hobbies and personality traits.
Using construction paper strips as a teaching tool, the student creates a chain of five skills.
The students will next be connected together in a chain with the assistance of the instructors.
Afterwards, the pupils form a network of their own.
Throughout the year, this acts as a point of reference and a reminder.
As a student, one may always look up and observe that he and his friends have their own unique skills.
Sites like, where these lesson plans were obtained, include lesson plans for developing children's minds and bodies.
Teaching children character is another avenue that may be taken by the teacher, who might look into the philosophy of character education.
A teacher's primary goal should be to have a thorough understanding of how children's emotions grow and then put that knowledge to use in the classroom.
When it comes to children's emotional development, there are several phases.
As parents and teachers, we need to be aware of these phases so that we can help our children grow emotionally and positively shape their self-image.
Emotional development is critical to a child's well-being since it may aid them throughout their lives.
Amos Alcott famously stated (quote, 2004): "The great teacher shields his students against his own personal influence."
There are many people who have a profound impact on a child's life: teachers, parents, and caregivers.
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